Console Localization¶
Console is based on an implementation of the Sample Web UI. By modifying the Sample Web UI, we can build a translated Console application.
The Sample Web UI is built on Angular which supports localization for additional languages using i18n. This tutorial will show how Console can be built in a new language, French.
What You'll Need¶
Software on the Development System
What You'll Do¶
The following sections describe how to:
- Create a Translation File
- Update the Sample Web UI Configuration
- Build Console Application
These steps highlight how to build Console in a French translation.
Clone the Sample Web UI and Console¶
If you do not have the Sample Web UI repository, clone the latest version.
git clone --branch v3.27.4
If you do not have the Console repository, clone the latest version.
git clone
Translate Strings¶
Open the
file insample-web-ui/src/locale/
.This file contains all of the strings and their locations within the Sample UI. These need to be translated.
Make a copy of the
source language file. -
Rename the copy to
for our target French translation. -
Translate the file using a text editor or XLIFF editor tool. See the Angular Translation Documentation for more information.
Save the file.
Update Sample Web UI Configuration¶
Now that we have a translated .xlf
file, we can modify the Sample Web UI configuration to utilize it when building the bundle.
Update angular.json
Open the
file in the/sample-web-ui/
directory -
Add the below
block to theopenamtui:
section. Additional locales can be appended for each additional language to support.... "openamtui": { "projectType": "application", "schematics": { "@schematics/angular:component": { "style": "scss" }, "@schematics/angular:application": { "strict": true } }, "root": "", "sourceRoot": "src", "i18n": { "sourceLocale": "en-US", "locales": { "fr": { "translation": "src/locale/", "baseHref": "/" } } }, ...
field to thebuild:
section.... "build": { "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser", "options": { "outputPath": "dist/openamtui", "index": "src/index.html", "main": "src/main.ts", "polyfills": "src/polyfills.ts", "localize": ["fr"], "tsConfig": "", ...
Save the file.
Build Translated Console¶
Now that the strings are translated and the deployment configurations are updated, we can build and run Console.
Build the Sample Web UI.
npm run build-enterprise
Copy the newly generated
directory. -
Paste the directory into the
directory. -
Build the Console application.
go build -o console_windows_x64.exe ./cmd/app/main.go
go build -o console_linux_x64 ./cmd/app/main.go
Run the executable.
Example - Console Home Page
Figure 1: Console English Login page